Bloglovin’ + Blog Hunt

So I thought I’d give this a shot to see if it works. Even if it doesn’t, it’s not like it’s a huge effort. If anyone has any tips for navigating this site/app, I would very much appreciate it (I don’t find it quite as user-friendly as I do WordPress).

I hope this works well for those of you who do use Bloglovin’!

I decided to do this because I’ve only been on here a few short weeks, and the welcome has been amazing. Thank you so much for following and commenting and liking! You blew my expectations and hopes out of the water.

And I would like to do the same for other bloggers as well. So, if you have a bookish blog or know of one that you think is great, please drop a few lines below so I can check it out and maybe follow you (or your friend) and like and comment as well!

Thank you and happy reading!

3 thoughts on “Bloglovin’ + Blog Hunt

  1. Hello! This comment isn’t so much on Bloglovin’, but I just wanted to say thank you so much for following me on The Ink Gobbler. I used to post my book reviews using Blogger, but found that WordPress offers a much more interactive and friendly community, just like you said (plus it’s so much prettier!), and I’m trying to be a lot more active and reach out more to the book-lover community. (: I look forward to reading more of your posts and also checking out other book review blogs alongside you! Thanks a bunch again – Yoon-Ji

    Liked by 1 person

    • I tried and failed on Blogspot and on tumblr both. I agree that wordpress is prettier, and the UI is definitely cleaner–but I’ve also found that the wonderful community has really helped me to stay consistent and keep posting. Good luck with your blog and I look forward to reading your reviews ^^


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